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Porch lights & Bugs

The Buzz on Porch Lights: Bugs, Predators, and Solutions in Eastern North Carolina The warm glow of your porch light welcomes not just you, but a buzzing menagerie of insects after dark. While attracting light-loving moths and fireflies can be… Read More »Porch lights & Bugs

Flea Facts

Fleas are small, wingless insects that belong to the order Siphonaptera. They are external parasites that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. Fleas are known for their jumping ability, as they can leap up to 150 times their… Read More »Flea Facts

Wood Bores Inspection

Wood bores inspection is a process that involves examining wooden structures for the presence of wood-boring insects. These insects, commonly known as wood borers, can cause significant damage to timber, furniture, and other wooden items. The inspection aims to identify… Read More »Wood Bores Inspection

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