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Affordable Pest Control Service at “ECU”

Welcome to D & D Pest Control Co., your go-to solution for all pest control needs at East Carolina University (ECU) area. Whether you’re dealing with pests in your apartment, home, or rented room, office, or any other off-campus building, our expert team is here to help. With a focus on affordability, efficiency, and thoroughness, we ensure that your environment remains pest-free. Our services cover a wide range of pests, including cockroaches, fleas, spiders, ants, termites, mice, rats, wasps, and yellow jackets. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into how our pest control services can help rid your home or business of these unwelcome guests, providing peace of mind and a healthier living and working environment.

The Importance of Professional Pest Control

Pests are not only a nuisance but can also pose serious health risks and cause significant property damage. At ECU, maintaining a pest-free environment is crucial for the well-being of students, faculty, and staff. D & D Pest Control Co. offers a range of services designed to address the unique challenges faced by university environments. Our approach combines thorough inspections, targeted treatments, and ongoing monitoring to ensure effective and long-lasting pest control.

Comprehensive Exterminating Services

Our pest control services at ECU are designed to tackle a variety of pests, including:

  • Cockroaches
  • Fleas
  • Spiders
  • Ants
  • Termites
  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Wasps
  • Yellow Jackets

Each of these pests requires a specific approach for effective control, and our team is equipped with the knowledge and tools to handle them all.

Understanding the Pests


Biology and Identification:

Cockroaches are resilient insects known for their ability to thrive in a variety of environments. They are typically nocturnal and prefer warm, moist areas. Common species include the German cockroach, American cockroach, and Oriental cockroach.

  • German Cockroach: Small, light brown with two dark stripes on their backs.
  • American cockroach: Larger, reddish-brown with a yellowish figure-eight pattern on their head Commonly called water bugs.
  • Oriental Cockroach: Dark brown to black and has a shiny appearance.

Control Measures:

Effective cockroach control involves sanitation, exclusion, and targeted treatments. Cockroach baiting is one of the most effective methods, where bait stations are strategically placed to attract and kill these pests. Regular inspections and maintenance are crucial to preventing infestations.


Biology and Identification:

Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They have a reddish-brown color and are known for their incredible jumping ability. Flea infestations often begin with pets but can quickly spread to bedding, carpets, and furniture.

Control Measures:

Controlling fleas requires a multi-faceted approach, including treating pets, washing bedding, and applying insecticides to infested areas. Vacuuming regularly and using flea-control products can help manage and prevent infestations.


Biology and Identification:

Spiders are arachnids with eight legs and two main body parts. While most spiders are harmless and can even be beneficial by controlling other pests, some species, like the black widow and brown recluse, pose a danger due to their venom.

  • Black Widow: Shiny black with a red hourglass shape on the underside.
  • Brown Recluse: Light to dark brown with a violin-shaped marking on the back.

Control Measures:

Spider control involves reducing clutter, sealing entry points, and removing webs. Insecticides and sticky traps can also be effective in managing spider populations.


Biology and Identification:

Ants are social insects that live in colonies. Common species include carpenter ants, fire ants, and pavement ants. They vary in size and color, from black to red.

  • Carpenter Ants: Large, black or red, known for damaging wood structures.
  • Fire Ants: Small, red, and known for their painful sting.
  • Pavement Ants: Small, brown to black, often found nesting in cracks in pavement.

Control Measures:

Effective ant control involves identifying and eliminating the colony. Baiting is a common method, where ants carry poisoned bait back to the nest. Sealing entry points and maintaining a clean environment also help prevent infestations.


Biology and Identification:

Termites are small, pale insects that feed on cellulose, primarily found in wood. The most common species in North Carolina are Eastern Subterranean Termites. They are known for causing extensive structural damage if left unchecked.

Control Measures:

Termite control involves soil treatments, baiting systems, and wood treatments. Regular inspections and moisture control are crucial in preventing termite infestations.

Mice and Rats

Biology and Identification:

Mice and rats are rodents known for their ability to invade homes and businesses. They can contaminate food, spread diseases, and cause structural damage.

  • House Mouse: Small, light brown to gray, with a pointed nose and large ears.
  • Norway Rat: Large, brown or gray, with a blunt nose and small ears.

Control Measures:

Rodent control involves trapping, baiting, and exclusion techniques. Sealing entry points and maintaining cleanliness are essential in preventing infestations.

Wasps and Yellow Jackets

Biology and Identification:

Wasps and yellow jackets are stinging insects that can become aggressive when disturbed. They build nests in various locations, including eaves, trees, and underground.

  • Wasps: Slender bodies, narrow waists, and can be various colors.
  • Yellow Jackets: Black and yellow striped, with a more robust body compared to wasps.

Control Measures:

Controlling wasps and yellow jackets involves locating and safely removing nests. Protective clothing and professional pest control services are recommended to handle these insects.

How D & D Pest Control Co. Can Help

At D & D Pest Control Co., we offer tailored pest control solutions to meet the specific needs of the ECU community. Our services include:

Inspection and Assessment

We start with a thorough inspection of the premises to identify the type and extent of the infestation. Our experts look for signs of pest activity, entry points, and potential attractants.

Customized Treatment Plans

Based on the inspection findings, we develop a customized treatment plan that targets the specific pests. Our treatments are designed to be effective while minimizing disruption to your daily activities.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Our approach to pest control is based on the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This strategy focuses on long-term prevention and combines multiple control methods, including:

  • Biological Control: Using natural predators or parasites to control pest populations.
  • Cultural Control: Modifying the environment to make it less conducive to pests.
  • Mechanical Control: Using physical methods like traps and barriers.
  • Chemical Control: Applying pesticides judiciously to target pests.

Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance

Pest control is not a one-time event. We provide ongoing monitoring and maintenance services to ensure that pests do not return. Regular inspections and preventative treatments help maintain a pest-free environment.

Maintaining a pest-free environment at ECU is essential for the health and well-being of everyone. At D & D Pest Control Co., we are committed to providing effective, affordable pest control solutions tailored to your needs. Our comprehensive services, experienced team, and dedication to customer satisfaction make us the ideal choice for pest control at ECU. If you’re dealing with pests like cockroaches, fleas, spiders, ants, termites, mice, rats, wasps, or yellow jackets, don’t hesitate to contact us. Let us help you develop a pest control plan that will keep your home or business free from infestations. Leave a comment below or get in touch with us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you.